This is a question form Claire “My 12-month-old is waking up at 4:00 AM, and won’t go back to sleep even after I nurse him. He then, struggles to make it to his first nap of the day. He goes to bed at 7:30, and has two good naps during the day. How can I fix this?” First of all, Claire, you are not alone in this. This is the number one question that I get from parents every day, their baby’s waking up too early. I got three tips around that for you, Claire
The first would be to have a look at darkness. That’s always the first place I look, especially, as the summer months are upon us, we really need to keep light out. People often think that they’ve got it dark enough, but it can always be darker, because even the slightest change in light variation can stimulate a wake up in anybody. As an adult, you can look at the clock and notice that it’s not time to get up, yet. A baby can’t do that. I want it dark in there. I want it to be as dark as it would be if you walked in, in the very middle of the night. That’s tip number one. Tip number two, the nursing at 4:00 AM could be part of the issue, My experience with this at this age is that, the 4:00 AM feed might actually get earlier and earlier and earlier, instead of buying you more time, because to the baby, there’s no difference between a 2:00 AM feed and a 4:00 AM feed. I want you to consider dropping that feed or offering a dream feed earlier for example 2 a.m. And to consider that, you will want to look at the daytime feeds and how much opportunity for full feeds there are in the daytime. At this age 2-4 full milk feeds in the daytime along with 3 solid meals is about right. Tip number three is the morning nap. You’ve mentioned in your question that he’s having a really hard time making it till his first nap of the day. I find that what can happen is, if a baby wakes up too early in the morning, gets up, starts his day, he’s going to be fatigued fairly quickly. It’s tempting to start putting him down earlier and earlier and earlier for that morning nap. You don’t want to do that. If you do that, you will get stuck in this viscous cycle of him waking up too early, going down for a nap at 7:00 AM, and throwing off your whole day. That will just absolutely mess up with his body clock. You’ll have to have a third nap, which will be completely foreign to him, and it’ll just cause a whole bunch of problems. Even though it’s really tough, and I totally understand that, you’ve got to hang on to his normal nap time. If it’s 09:30 AM, even if he’s been up since 04:30, you’ve got to hang in there until 09:30. My advice would be to give him a bit of fresh air around eight o’clock, make sure that you give him enough snacks and food to keep his energy levels up, to really encourage him to hang in there. It’s similar to if you got up at 04:00 AM, wandered around, maybe had a snack, and then eventually went back to bed and finished your night. That’s what’s happening here, most likely. Hang in there until the first nap of the day. I always suggest that people do not change bedtime too much. That is super tempting when you’ve got an early riser. You think, “Oh, if we just keep him up late, he’ll sleep later in the morning.” That hardly ever works. In fact, all you end up doing, then, is creating a huge amount of over-tiredness in your child, which leads to more fragmented sleep and even earlier morning wake ups. Whatever you do, don’t do that. Bonus Tip: you usually need to address the balance of daytime sleep in comparison to nighttime sleep, with older babies 12 months and above too much daytime sleep even by 30 minutes can result in early rising, so check out the FREE comprehensive nap guide below. Do you have a question you need answered around early o'clock? leave a comment and I will get back to. If you want to work with me on a package and need to find out more book a discovery call with me and we can chat and I can tell you all about the best package for your situation.
12/30/2018 19:51:12
Hello 😀.
12/30/2018 21:44:43
Hi Tam
Helen A S Pearce
4/26/2019 08:40:31
Cora Rebbeca Kazmierczak
6/15/2023 22:21:30
Hi, my daughter is 11 months on the 20th July she has never slept through the night apart from the other week as we went on holiday and she couldn’t sleep as she sleeps in her pram she doesn’t like being held or rocked and won’t lie in her own bed and go to sleep she just screams the house down even if I keep going in and lying her back down just makes her 10x harder to settle her but she wakes up at around 4/5.30am she wakes up around 5ish usually as my partners alarm disturbs her I think even though she’s in her own room but she’s been getting up around 4am recently she had 2 naps in the day so if she wakes up at 4am she might go back sleep at 5.30 for an hour maybe hour and half depending but if she wakes up around 5.30 she wants go back sleep around 7/8ish then she will have another nap between 1-2pm for around an 1-2 hours sometimes she might only have 30-45 min nap in morning but she is a very cranky baby she will be happy after naps for about an hour then she starts getting very clingy and just winges till she has another nap she use to go around 5:30/6pm but now she stays up till around 7/8pm but still gets up early but I can’t see my partners alarm waking her up as she’s usually up just before it goes off she sleeps in complete darkness aswell she is a very light sleeper have be really quiet otherwise she wakes up and she’s very nosey have a very active mind it’s as if she’s thinks she missing out if she’s asleep and someone comes round without a doubt she wakes up she has around 3 6oz bottles a day plus breakfast dinner and tea and will give her a bottle around 9pm so she doesn’t wake up in the night but she still does and even if I give her a bottle at 4am she will still want to get up she won’t go. Back sleep and I feed her in her bed I don’t fuss over her and get her out I try keeping it quiet and not move/talk to her just wondering if anyone has advice on what I need to improve on Thankyou
3/18/2024 17:52:51
Hi, this sounds a lot like my 10 month old! Did you ever get any help with this? If she has two naps she’s always up about 3-4am! If we do three naps she sleeps better 11pm-8:30am but obviously that’s a super late bedtime 😞
6/3/2019 06:35:10
6/3/2019 11:10:56
Hi Cecelia
7/17/2019 05:27:35
10/11/2021 07:36:08
11/5/2019 02:38:21
Hello, I have a 17 month old boy who has always been a horrible sleeper. It seems like we are in a cycle for the past month of him waking up in between 4-5am and he will not go back to sleep. When he wakes this early he is so tired come 8-9am. Its very tempting to lay him down for a nap earlier in the morning which I have done a couple of times and he will sleep almost 2 hrs. Then we run into a long afternoon because I cannot get him to take a afternoon nap. I have also tried shortening the morning nap and he still will not take 2 naps. If I keep him up by 11am he is so tired and miserable will sleep a good 2-2 1/2 hrs for nap but by 6-630pm he is ready for bed. And the early rising cycle repeats. I have figured out he usually will clock about 10hrs at night consistently and is tired after 4-5hrs of being awake I feel like he might need a little bit of a later bedtime maybe 8pm to sleep later but I am not sure..Any advice on our situation would be greatly appreciated. I am not asking him to sleep till 7-8am I am just praying for 6am wake-ups!!! Thanks so much for your help 11/5/2019 11:04:30
Hello Kayla - thanks for reaching out. It sounds like you are stuck in a cycle of poor nighttime sleep which is then resulting in an early nap and then your child's body clock being stuck on this pattern.
1/22/2020 20:36:23
1/23/2020 17:20:35
Hello Stacey, thanks for reaching out.
Kristin Mörth
3/2/2023 06:51:51
Hi Nadia,
Victoria Cowell
2/6/2020 06:12:36
My 6.5 month old is waking at 3 or 4am every morning and it is taking a feed to get him back down. 4/11/2020 09:14:43
Hello Victoria - I'm sorry I never seen you comment originally, please get in contact with me on Monday, I am able to point you in the right direction of specific things to try for this age so you can prevent the unnecessary trial and error. xx book a discover call as I can give you at lest one great actionable tip plus you can sign up for my free 5 steps on my website in the FAQ section which are the foundation to all my plans and have helped many parents out.
4/11/2020 05:14:38
Victoria cowell, I’m in the exact same situation with my 6.5 month as you ! Did you find a resolution? I didn’t think he would still need so many feeds at this age. Thanks
4/11/2020 08:48:39
Hi Sarah, 4/11/2020 09:13:35
Hello Sarah - Please get in contact with me on Monday, I am able to point you in the right direction of specific things to try for this age so you can prevent the unnecessary trial and error. xx book a discover call as I can give you at lest one great actionable tip plus you can sign up for my free 5 steps on my website in the FAQ section which are the foundation to all my plans and have helped many parents out. 4/11/2020 09:36:46
Hello everyone who finds this post, please sign up to get my FREE tips, if you can spend the time watching the video and reading the information on the 5 steps and then from the nap guide and pitting them into practice you will get great results - get in contact if needed via the discovery cal button if have more specific questions or need to work on more complete sleep package xx
Stephanie Tipton
5/12/2020 10:43:12
Hi Nadia,
Anmol Paul
5/27/2020 05:06:55
Hi Stephanie,
Hi Stephanie
5/25/2020 05:17:59
Hi my little one (11 1/2 months) has started waking at 4:30am although will happily talk to himself until I get him up at 5:45. Morning bottle isn’t given until 6:30. 5/30/2020 10:39:31
Hi Leah, thanks for reaching out to me, congratualtion on baby number 2 coming soon.
5/25/2020 08:26:24
Hello, 5/30/2020 10:45:44
Hi Jenna
5/30/2020 06:28:48
Hi, 5/30/2020 10:35:54
Hi Sami - congratulation, this sounds like you're doing really well at managing the daytime, If your little one is having a tricky time falling asleep for second nap I would increase her awake window by say 10-15 minutes. You can have a look at my free nap guide. But also if she is in her bedroom and happyish until it's time to get up 6am or later then I would start your first nap of that day 2.5 hours from 6am. Next you might want to think about how she is falling asleep at bedtime and move her bottle as step one of her bedtime routine. Some babies are super sensitive to sleep props and how she is falling asleep at bedtime might be contributing to why she is waking in the morning, again check out my other blogs on that or the free 5 steps. If you still need tailored support book in a consult with me xx
Claire Williams
6/1/2020 07:08:59
Hi nadia. Do you have any advice for split nights please?
Kimberley Green
6/23/2020 05:51:00
Hi Nadia,
7/20/2020 05:07:23
Hi Nadia,
Nadia Edwards
8/24/2020 10:37:53
I sorry for delay, sounds like your day needs adjusted , use the nap guide to assess your awake windows, at this age 2-2.5 daytime sleep is about right with 10-12 at night, so a later bedtime of 7pm would work better longer term. Nap Guide below.
Lauren Amos
8/24/2020 00:12:23
I have a 1 month old and no matter how much I try to put her on a schedual or get a schedual going she does not want to fall asleep for bed until 4am and take long naps during the day I try to keep her awake or wake her up but she never wants to wake up I try to wake her up every 3 hours to feed but she never wants to she has gotten to where she will only take 4 full feeds a day and the rest of the time she only gets an ounce in before she falls back to sleep and she is sleeping for 3 to four hours at a time on every nap but still wont go to bed for the night until 4 am how can I fix it to where she goes to bed at 9:30 PM every night and take for feedings
Nadia Edwards
8/24/2020 10:35:21
Firstly Lauren, congratulations, next please ignore everything you have read in the blog post as it is not appropriate for the age of your baby (newborn) the best tips for this age are to get out and about in the daytime, with the pram/sling and keep the house busy and bright with lots and lots of natural daylight. Don't have a dark room for napping, yes wake regularly in the daytime for feeds. below is some details from another blog more appropriate to your age.
9/27/2020 05:40:24
Lacy Latham
11/21/2020 11:09:52
1/15/2021 05:23:16
My nearly 8month old is totally mind boggling so any advice is greatly received. We have tried everything. Even with a consistent routine, the nighttimes and wale times vary.
Nadia Edwards
2/4/2021 15:33:09
I would move nap one later. 9:30 this will help shift the whole day. It is not easy at the moment but doing this is small 10-15 min increments can get you there. I can't see what time she goes to bed at but ideally you need 10-11 hours opportunity for nighttime sleep and no more than 3 hours of nap time. equally split over the day, download the free nap guide.
Loreane D'otolo
2/3/2021 19:07:46
Nadia Edwards
2/4/2021 15:29:44
Hello - It is definable time to move to 2 naps. download the free nap guide to help you see how this might work for you. It will take a good week or two of 2 naps for your baby's body clock to adjust.
2/9/2021 12:30:48
Hi, 8/4/2021 17:26:16
Hi Andrea - how did this all resolve for you, so sorry I never picked this up, this blog post was so long ago I don't regularly manage it.
2/18/2021 12:04:18
Hi Nadia! 8/4/2021 17:27:00
Hi Fay how did this resolve for you all, often this is a temporary phase.
5/9/2021 22:46:52
Please help. My 11 month old wakes 3-4 times a night for a feed. She is breast fed and loves her solids. On top of this she is waking at 4am which leaves me running on fumes all day. Her naps are all over the place lasting a total of up to 3 hours. She absolutely fights sleep and does not go to bed willingly - I usually feed her to sleep. It’s causing me a lot of anxiety and exhaustion. 8/4/2021 17:23:55
3 hours daytime sleep is most likely too much at this age, if she is fighting sleep the best thing to try is not to force it.I am sorry this is a late reply, this post was done so long ago that I don't actively manage it. It sounds like a full support package would have been the best thing either with me or another sleep coach. Please look over the nap guide, consider capping daytime sleep to 2-2.5 hours and think about other ways she can fall asleep at bedtime, this can often help with the frequent night wakings, in all honestly there are no quick fixes to offer here we likely need to full assessment and support.
6/10/2021 05:22:33
Hi Nadia,
6/21/2021 08:14:01
Hi, my 12 month old has started waking at 4:30 pretty much every morning for the past couple of weeks. 8/4/2021 17:18:12
Hi - the nap needs adjusting to later than 11am so that bedtime can be later than 6:30, this sleep needs in a 24 hour period are ok, 10-11 hours at night is well in the range of normal and 11-14 in a total 24 hour period, so I guess there needs to be a later bedtime and to achieve that a later nap than 11am, if he is only on one nap and that ends early say 12 noon or 1pm and there are no other naps the gap between the nap ending and bedtime may be too long and be the reason for early rising.
Tracey Little
6/28/2021 23:25:39
My now 9 month old, in the early days slept 10-7 for about 2 months was great. 8/4/2021 17:09:40
If you are enjoying the cosy cuddles - just continue with that method, no harm.
8/2/2021 05:25:58
My son is almost 1, he will be 1 on the 16th august. 8/4/2021 17:07:42
Hi Emma it might be time to shorten up the daytime sleep, 2.5 hours is not unreasonable, however the timing of the nap can impact the early rising. I would look at the whole day and tweak his nap timing, see the free nap guide and experiment.
8/4/2021 15:39:12
Hi Nadia, 8/4/2021 16:52:06
Hello, in short, it is not necessary to stop nightfeeds, they are still very common and normal at this age. A recent study of over 50,000 infants found that night waking was still very prevalent amongst 6-18 month old babies, with nearly 70% of all children waking at least once in the night and 20% waking more than three times.
9/24/2021 13:05:44
11/2/2021 14:02:42
Hi Nadia
Isabelle Jimenez-Wilson
11/22/2021 09:31:40
Hi Nadia, I have a 6 month old son who likes to wake up at 4 and itll take about an hour just to put him back to sleep and sometimes he will only sleep for an extra hour and then just be up. We try to have him in bed between 7:30-8 pm and he has 2 naps during the day (one in the morning around 8:30-9 and one in the afternoon between 3 and 4) and his naps usually last about an hour, hour and a half. hes will sleep for 4 hours straight then be up every 2 hours which is when i feed him. We could use some advice on how to help him work his way into sleeping more at night or at least not waking up at 4 am and thinking its play time.
12/1/2021 06:04:29
Morning, I’ve been up since 4am…. Have been for a few weeks now. :-(
5/1/2022 20:26:51
My 11 month old wakes up any time around 4.00am onwards. He does not go back to sleep until we pick him up. Then he will sleep on us for another hour. 5/3/2022 12:32:54
Hi Hannah - these early wakes are so tricky, I would consider shortening the first nap to 60 mins so that the second nap was slightly longer, it might take a week or 2 for this change to be impactful. (it could also be that your baby has lower sleep needs overall as he can go a big gap between waking at 4/5am and the first nap) You might also want to consider what he is waking for at 4am is it a cuddle/feed/habit or related to how he falls asleep at bedtime, for example if he needs lots of support at bedtime to fall asleep -feeding to sleep/cuddling/dummy or rocking, I would focus on more independent sleep at that point. I would also make sure it is dark,very dark and he is not too cold or hot. Once you do get sleep working well..ish at night I would imagine that he will need to transition to 1 nap in the middle of his day (12/12:30) with an early lunch at 11/11:30 to keep things on track.
5/3/2022 12:43:18
Hi Hannah, my daughter was 12 months when I started sorting her sleep out. I capped the morning nap so she would have 30 min then I would put her back down for a 2nd nap after lunch. She is now 18 months old and I’ve stopped the morning nap. She has 1 1/2-2 hours a day about lunch time. Since only giving her one nap she sleeps till 6am and bed at 7pm, before she was waking at 4.30/5.30ish!! Hope this helps but since walking and being more busy I found she does sleep better x
5/3/2022 12:56:08
Thanks ladies. First thing I think I need to do is shorten that first nap then.
Megan Owens
5/16/2022 05:32:52
Hi there! Just come across your page today as im desperate to find the solution to what feels like a year of 4-5am wake ups. My 13m old has been a terrible sleeper since day one and we’ve worked with two consultants now and he’s still awful. Typically he wakes between 5 and 6am.When he does wake at a normal time between 6:30-7 we usually aim for nap 1 to be at about 9.30 for 30-45 mins (1 hour on nursery days), and then again at about 1/1:30pm for 2 hours- this is usually offered at about 2pm at nursery and he doesn’t sleep overly well here. Bed time averages at about 7pm. His nursery sessions (wed-Fri) start at 1pm and I ask them to put him down with a bottle as soon as he gets there but this doesn’t always happen and I worry what I will do when he’s on the one nap!! 5/19/2022 09:48:10
Hi Megan,
Laura Alford
6/14/2022 06:26:32
Hi, 6/14/2022 11:36:53
Hi Laura
Leanne Billington
6/21/2022 10:24:00
Kelly c
9/7/2022 07:02:54
My baby has just turned 10 months old and she has always, the past few months, woken up between 4:40am-5:10am. This means she is ready for her 1st nap of the day around 8-8:30am. I do not feed her straight away so she will have her morning bottle around 6:30. 9/7/2022 10:06:07
Hi Kelly - how is she falling asleep at bedtime? What happens when she wakes at 4:40-5:10am? Whole the day timing is very important it feels like a bigger analysis and overhaul of how she falls asleep and how we respond to her when she wakes up will be helpful. Have a look at the free guides for naps and also other blogs with information on bedtime routines and sleep props.
Kelly c
9/7/2022 10:30:56
Sometimes she falls to sleep on me after her night time bottle (if she’s been kept awake longer to stretch to night time) and sometimes she will have her bottle and she will send herself off to sleep in her cot. When she wakes up early in the morning i go into her room,lay her down and then sit with her but she will just cry unless she is picked up but even then she will not go back to sleep. 9/7/2022 16:39:46
Ok thanks for that, form what you have told me, making changes to how she is falling asleep at bedtime would be a first step, have a look over the blogs on bedtime routines and sleep props, If you want to talk over this in brief detail book a call with me £50 or we could do a full 60 min consult with plan for £95. Let me know if you are interested in this xx
10/10/2022 00:15:15
Hi Nadia - I have a 11 month old who is of late waking up at around 3:30AM every night. He has a consistent daytime routine
10/18/2022 11:48:50
11/23/2022 06:12:53
Hi Nadia
11/25/2022 05:43:25
Hi I have come across your page through Google.
1/22/2023 11:24:00
Hi there!
3/2/2023 20:58:12
Hi Nadia.
3/2/2023 21:02:05
Maybe he is ready to drop nap? 5/1/2023 13:14:01
Your article is quite helpful! I have a lot of questions, and you've already answered many of them. Thank you! We have been hunting for information on BABY WOKE UP AT 4:00 AM EVERY MORNING AND WON'T GO BACK TO SLEEP, and this article is really wonderful and outstanding. Indeed, a wonderful post pertaining to it!
6/15/2023 09:48:22
Such a great article, but we have tried everything.
Sophie James
7/12/2023 05:53:30
Hiya, 7/12/2023 10:01:30
Hello Sophie - sounds like you are making great progress, 2 naps of no more than 3 hours total is about right. 2-3 hours is ideal in total.
10/10/2023 01:28:25
11/17/2023 06:13:45
Hi there!
Lucy Bingham
12/3/2023 20:28:45
Hi Nadia, I need help!!! 😂
4/2/2024 23:49:24
Hannah Cooper
4/18/2024 12:59:15
Hi everyone my name is Hannah Cooper, i live in Juneau, Alaska. I completely trusted Dr Uwaifo totally from the time I spoke with him during the period my husband Left me after 7 years of our marriage, He started the spell work on my husband, and gave me so much assurance and guaranteed me that he was going to bring my husband back to me in 48 hours of the spell casting. I was so confident in his work and just as he said in the beginning, my husband is finally back to me, yes he is back with all his heart, Love, care, emotions and flowers and things are better with us now. I would have no hesitation to recommend this powerful spell caster to anybody who is in need of help. Dr Uwaifo website: or his mail: [email protected] you can send him WhatsApp:1(315) 277-2762
Shelly Lawrence
4/23/2024 19:13:43
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