A personal sleep coaching package will help you
Get support and feel confidentThis is the key, you can read a book or one of my blogs or watch a cool video, but none of this is equal to one-to-one support from a mother who totally understands what it is like to do everything in her power to help her baby sleep well and it doesn't work out. I can hold your hand for the day-to-day stuff and be creative with solutions to match your unique circumstances
Have a plan for now and the futureIn your clarity session we go deep in discovering your parenting vision, values and agree an action plan based on this, your plan will also come with information about what we need to change now and what is going to be a tricky point in the future so we can be proactive. I provide you with the key principles so you can adapt them to any age and circumstance in the future
Have a flexible and workable routineEverything is based on your child's needs, age and natural rhythms, while respecting the fact you might have siblings to support, or coffee and cake with yummy mummies to enjoy! You won't be tied to the house with strict and unmanageable routines and schedules.
Enjoy parenthoodWhat were your dreams of Parenthood? My biggest wish is for every Mother, Father and Caregiver is to ENJOY their parenting journey, to be confident and have happy well rested babies. You don't need to be a tired and exhausted parent.